Produse pentru materii prime cu (27)

Materiale de Construcție

Materiale de Construcție

Para responder às necessidades do mercado em Portugal a AGI alargou, em 1992, a sua área de actuação ao sector da construção, oferecendo uma vasta gama de materiais com aplicação em interiores e exteriores. Com uma sólida parceria com as principais marcas do sector – ALBOND, ARPA, FUNDERMAX e SABIC – a AGI apresenta a arquitectos e gestores de obras soluções inovadoras e de elevada qualidade, garantindo uma maior sustentabilidade, estética e durabilidade dos seus empreendimentos. Temos soluções para aplicação interior e exterior, nomeadamente para revestimentos de fachadas, varandas/terraços, coberturas industriais e coberturas translucidas, portões e guardas de muro, telhados, divisórias de sanitários, mobiliário científico, decorativo e de cozinha, entre outros. A nossa gama de materiais de construção inclui compactos fenólicos, laminite, chapas de policarbonato (alveolar, compacto e perfilado) e compósitos de alumínio.
Granule și Abrasive - Minerale - Abrasiv Carbonat de Calciu

Granule și Abrasive - Minerale - Abrasiv Carbonat de Calciu

Carboclean est un carbonate de calcium, de très faible dureté et de haute blancheur, adapté au décapage à sec et humide, sans endommager la surface traitée. Dureté: 2,5 - 3 mohs Forme: sous-angulaire Densité: 2,5 g / cm3
Tiosulfat de sodiu (HYPO) - Pharma

Tiosulfat de sodiu (HYPO) - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Materii prime plastice

Materii prime plastice

A AGI comercializa todo o tipo de matérias-primas plásticas para a indústria transformadora de plástico em Portugal. Os seus mais de 20 parceiros fornecedores de matérias-primas permitem-nos oferecer o melhor que existe no mercado relativo a polímeros termoplásticos e termoduros. Colocamos ao seu dispor diversos polímeros, tais como poliamidas, polipropileno, polietileno, poliestireno, PVC, policarbonato, copolímero de acetal, acrilonitrilo-butadieno-estireno (ABS), entre outros. Esta vasta gama de produtos, que responde às necessidades emergentes dos nossos clientes, tornou a AGI líder nacional na distribuição de matérias-primas plásticas. O nosso crescimento está assente na qualidade mas também na dedicação e profissionalismo de uma grande equipa que já levou a AGI além-fronteiras.
Maltodextrină - Pharma

Maltodextrină - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Dextroză - Pharma

Dextroză - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Nitrați de Amoniu - Îngrășământ

Nitrați de Amoniu - Îngrășământ

sample, test, and packaging is sent according to the customer's request. Then the quotation +is closed according to this form of delivery. 45 days delivery time. Price and logistical efficiency ,
Oxid de Zinc - Pharma

Oxid de Zinc - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Lactat de Calciu Gluconat - Pharma

Lactat de Calciu Gluconat - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Galactoză - Pharma

Galactoză - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Metabisulfit de sodiu - Pharma

Metabisulfit de sodiu - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Sulfat de magneziu anhidru - Pharma

Sulfat de magneziu anhidru - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Carbonat de amoniu - Îngrășământ

Carbonat de amoniu - Îngrășământ

sample, test, and packaging is sent according to the customer's request. Then the quotation +is closed according to this form of delivery. 45 days delivery time. Price and logistical efficiency ,
Arginat de calciu - Aliment

Arginat de calciu - Aliment

sample is sent, the packaging depends on the customer's specific requirements, and the delivery time is 30 days. Price and logistical efficiency,
Clorură de potasiu - Pharma

Clorură de potasiu - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Clorură de Calciu Hidratată (CaCl2.2H2O) - Aliment

Clorură de Calciu Hidratată (CaCl2.2H2O) - Aliment

sample is sent, the packaging depends on the customer's specific requirements, and the delivery time is 30 days. Price and logistical efficiency,
Sulfat de potasiu - Pharma

Sulfat de potasiu - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Tri-calciu fosfat - Pharma

Tri-calciu fosfat - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Tri Polifosfat de Sodiu - Pharma

Tri Polifosfat de Sodiu - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Sulfat de amoniu - Aliment

Sulfat de amoniu - Aliment

sample is sent, the packaging depends on the customer's specific requirements, and the delivery time is 30 days. Price and logistical efficiency,
Borax de sodiu - Pharma

Borax de sodiu - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Sacarina de Sodiu - Pharma

Sacarina de Sodiu - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Fosfat disodic - Pharma

Fosfat disodic - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Sulfat de magneziu heptahidrat - Pharma

Sulfat de magneziu heptahidrat - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Clorură de calciu anhidru - Aliment

Clorură de calciu anhidru - Aliment

sample is sent, the packaging depends on the customer's specific requirements, and the delivery time is 30 days. Price and logistical efficiency,
Fosfat mono potasic - Pharma

Fosfat mono potasic - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Acetat de Zinc - Pharma

Acetat de Zinc - Pharma

Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver